
Accommodation Supports
While some people require relatively few hours per week to live independently, others may require 24 hour support. Every effort is made to create a home-like environment. Each person has their own bedroom and key to ensure privacy.
Crest Support Services offers a range of accommodation supports to meet individual needs. Supports can range from highly supervised environments to supported living arrangements.
Mental Health Residential Services
Crest Mental Health residential services are located at Elginfield Road property near Lucan, Ontario.
Crestview is a group living situation that focuses on health stabilization, life skill development, and community re-integration.
Crestwood is an 8-unit apartment building. Supports focus on increased independence. Both locations provide 24-hour support for persons with serious mental illnesses, including those with a dual diagnosis (mental health and developmental disability).
Case Management and Community Support are provided to a number of individuals living in our surrounding communities.
Referrals are accepted from a number of sources including area hospitals, service providers, families, and self referrals.

Community Living
Residential supports are provided to adults who have a developmental/intellectual disability. Supports are provided in the communities of Ilderton, Ailsa Craig, Granton, and Lucan. Supports are provided on a 24 hour model as needed.
Leisure, recreation, vocational and Supported Independent Living supports are also provided.
To apply for our Mental Health Accommodation Supports, or for more information, contact: info@crestsupportservices.ca
For Developmental Services, applications must go through MCCSS Developmental Services Ontario (DSO).
Family involvement is important for people accessing services at Crest, as it is for everyone. Families are encouraged to attend Crest events and special occasions, as well as include their family member in week-end visits, holidays and vacations.
Family and friends are welcome to visit anytime. It would, however, be a good idea to phone ahead. This ensures your family member is not attending a program, appointment, or social event away from his/her home. It also allows staff to have medications ready and personal care addressed before you arrive, so as not to keep you waiting.
Crest Support Services is committed to providing quality services through person centred planning. Crest ensures in the planning process that supports and services are responsive to and focused on the individual.
Person Centred Planning is the core philosophy of Crest. Within the first few months the Support Team will arrange a meeting with the individual and their Primary Direct Support Professional, House Coordinator, Program Manager, family members and/or friends. During this meeting the needs, interests and goals of the individual are reviewed. Actions items, responsibilities and time lines are established to assist the person accessing services to achieve their dreams and goals. These individualized support plans are reviewed and updated in regular intervals not less than one year.
In 2015 Crest began working with FOCUS Accreditation, an external accrediting organization, to implement Quality Assurance Measures, and ensure continuous quality enhancement of services.

We support adults with a serious mental illness and/or developmental disability by providing quality services that foster personal growth and participation as full citizens in their communities
Thank You to Our Partners!