
Accommodation Supports
Crest Support Services offers a range of accommodation supports to meet individual needs. Supports can range from highly supervised environments to supported living arrangements.

Crest Support Services Connections provides individualized and group supports that assists persons to access a range of agency and community based, vocational, educational and recreational/leisure activities.
Crest Support Services adapts its resources and utilizes community contacts to organize activities and respond to requests for consumer directed supports. Specific initiatives include:
• Person-centred, life planning
• Recruitment and training of volunteers
• Summer Career Employment Experience
• Community development; special projects
• Leisure and recreational activities
• Employment and career support
• Accommodation supports
• Case Management
Crest Support Services strives to maintain a flexible approach and believes that family involvement, strong community partnerships and adequate resourcing will ensure each success.
For more than 40 years, Crest Support Services has provided supports and services to individuals with a developmental and/or mental health disability.
Make A Change
Crest Support Services depends on the generosity of our community to ensure and enhance services.
Gifts can be made as donations, bequests and memorial gifts.
A donation to Crest not only means assisting us to expand our services and to further enrich the lives of those we serve, but also provides satisfaction to the benefactor of making a difference in the lives of others. Donations may take a variety of forms (cash, life insurance, property, securities, annuities). Likewise, they may be given at different times (on special occasions, in a will, at regular intervals, or one time only).
No amount is too small!
We support adults with a serious mental illness and / or developmental disability by providing quality services that foster personal growth and participation as full citizens in their communities
Thank You to Our Partners!