
Mission, Vision & Values
We support adults with a serious mental illness and/or developmental disability by providing quality services that foster personal growth and participation in their communities.
People living enriched lives in inclusive communities.
DIGNITY AND RESPECT: Every person is a unique individual, with his/her own needs and aspirations, and is deserving of our respect and being treated with dignity and compassion;
PARTICIPATION: Every person has the right to fully participate in the life of their community and to be treated as a citizen with rights and responsibilities;
EXCELLENCE: The organization strives to achieve excellence in the development and delivery of quality services, the consistency of our actions and the sincerity of our relationships;
COMMUNICATION: Communications inform and engage all stakeholders;
COLLABORATION: The organization works collaboratively through partnerships, joint ventures and other initiatives to maximize access to all the resources available within the community for the people supported;
EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE: The organization needs to respond to change on a timely and effective basis in support of the people we serve and for the ongoing development of Crest;
LEARNING AND GROWTH: It is important to create a culture of innovation, learning and growth for employees, volunteers and the Board;
ACCOUNTABILITY: The organization must act with integrity, and be transparent in all that it does, and be accountable for its resources and decisions.

We support adults with a serious mental illness and / or developmental disability by providing quality services that foster personal growth and participation as full citizens in their communities
Thank You to Our Partners!